code for article pfeilbr/aws-sam-step-functions-playground
learn and experiment with using AWS SAM to define and deploy AWS Step Functions.
see template.yaml
and data/event-bus-events.json
export STACK_NAME="aws-sam-step-functions-playground"
# deploy
sam deploy --guided
# trigger step fn via EventBridge rule
aws events put-events --cli-input-json file://data/event-bus-events.json
# e.g. output
# {
# "FailedEntryCount": 0,
# "Entries": [
# {
# "EventId": "369fc438-8a99-bc45-7d79-46788420dbf8"
# }
# ]
# }
# trigger via API Gateway. starts step fn then returns (does not wait for step fn to complete)
# e.g. output
# {
# "executionArn": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:529276214230:execution:SimpleStateMachine-zIFFWgUF6O6D:53313d15-1005-44d0-84a0-ea57b66d1ac3",
# "startDate": 1.597426336318E9
# }
# teardown
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name "aws-sam-step-functions-playground" --region "us-east-1"
- Simplifying application orchestration with AWS Step Functions and AWS SAM
- [aws | events | put-events]](
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