Heroku Node Worker

example of running a long lived worker process on heroku that is not a web app/server



# clone
git clone https://github.com/pfeilbr/heroku-node-worker-playground.git

# change to root directory
cd heroku-node-worker-playground

# create heroku app
heroku create

# >>> make changes to `worker.js`, install packages, etc.

# test locally
npm run worker

# commit changes
git commit -a -m "my awesome changes"

# deploy / push changes to heroku
git push heroku master # if worker is already running, this push will kill it and start the new one

# run worker only / stop web dyno
heroku ps:scale web=0 worker=1

# verify running
heroku ps

# view logs
heroku logs -t

# stop worker
heroku ps:scale worker=0

# start worker
heroku ps:scale worker=1
