
learn and experiment with Terraform

followed Packer GETTING STARTED docs


  • Execution Plans - describing what it will do and asks for your approval before making any infrastructure changes. This allows you to review changes before Terraform creates, updates, or destroys infrastructure.
  • Resource Graph - Terraform builds a resource graph and creates or modifies non-dependent resources in parallel.

Module Demo

cd mymodule01/examples/app01
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve


  • represent infrastructure objects
  • each resource type is implemented by a provider, which is a plugin for Terraform that offers a collection of resource types
  • Meta-Arguments
    • depends_on
    • count - creates that many instances of the resource or module
    • for_each - value is a map or a set of strings, Terraform will create one instance for each member of that map or set
    • provider - use to override tf default provider. e.g. you want to change the region for a given resource
    • lifecycle
    • provisioner and connection


resource TYPE NAME {

Data Sources

Terraform Language

  • use hcl or json to declare
  • Blocks - containers for other content and usually represent the configuration of some kind of object
  • Arguments - assign a value to a name
  • Expressions - represent a value, either literally or by referencing and combining other values


  • by default state is stored locally in *.tfstate file (the default backend)
  • when multiple people or clients are collaborating on infra via tf, state can be stored in a remote backend
    • e.g. state for aws can be stored in S3 and a dynamodb table is used for locking when the state is shared amongst many people and/or systems
    terraform {
      backend "s3" {
        # Replace this with your bucket name!
        bucket         = "terraform-up-and-running-state"
        key            = "global/s3/terraform.tfstate"
        region         = "us-east-2"
        # Replace this with your DynamoDB table name!
        dynamodb_table = "terraform-up-and-running-locks"
        encrypt        = true
  • Workspaces - allow you to store your Terraform state in multiple, separate, named workspaces


# plan
terraform plan

# apply
terraform apply -auto-approve

# validate
terraform validate

# show outputs
terraform output
