
Minotes - minimalist notes - is designed from the ground up to provide fast and clean note taking. Rather than packing features into a crowded interface, Minotes provides a minimal streamlined interface for your notes.
- clean — The interface of Minotes is intentionally simple. It provides just what you need, without any distractions
- fast — Minotes is optimized from the ground up to be fast and fluid, whether you are on the fanciest new iPhone or a more vintage model.
- beautiful — From its thoughtfully laid out navigation to its select set of settings, Minotes is designed to make you want to open it.

Animal Fun
Animal Fun is an iPhone and iPad app I wrote for my son when he was 3 to help him learn about animals while also entertaining him. It’s a free app available on the App Store and the source code is available on github

Vehicle Fun for Kids
Fun and easy interactive vehicle app designed by parents for young children who enjoy the look and sound of vehicles. A terrific collection of real vehicle pictures and sounds that play with one easy tap. You’ll also hear the name of the vehicle along with the sound. It will keep those little ones busy for quite a while! They’ll get their fill of cars, trucks, and boats!

Vehicle Fun for Kids Product Page

Alpha Sound
Alpha Sound is a simple ABC’s learning program for children. Children learn their letters by seeing and hearing the letter names. It’s a free app available on the App Store

Music Sound Touch
Fun and easy interactive music app designed by parents for young children who enjoy the look and sound of musical instruments. A terrific collection of real musical instrument pictures and sounds that play with one easy tap. You’ll also hear the name of the instrument along with the sound. It will keep those little ones busy for quite a while!

Music Sound Touch Product Page

Mobile Account & Contact Manager
Mobile Contact and Account management web application built using the salesforce platform for the backend and jQuery Mobile for the frontend. Provides the same functionality when disconnected by using HTML5 Application Cache and local storage.
See Salesforce and jQuery Mobile post for details
iOS Enterprise App Store
Enterprises that are members of the iOS Developer Enterpise Program can distribute their employee apps with their own App Store using Apple’s over-the-air distribution. With this solution, you just drop your app .ipa file and a file with information about the app into a directory, and it’s immediately available for users to install.
The backend is a Sinatra web app. On the front-end there’s a built-in jQuery Mobile web interface, and also a separate native iPhone app.
App Store Web App

Native iPhone App Store Client

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