Full Resume

Cloud Architect

  • AWS
  • Azure

Cloud Solutions Architect


  • Architect for US sales implementation
  • Administrator
  • Developer
  • Configurator
  • SSO and identity


  • Architect
  • Administrator
  • Developer

App Central

  • adobe air, flex, actionscript
  • desktop app
  • portal / app launcher for sales employees


  • developer and technical lead
  • songo - custom


  • custom salesforce.com communications application
  • administration UI
  • custom (angular SPA) UI (mobile/responsive)

MyCall / Proscape

  • sales electronic detailing
  • embedded signature capture

Custom Desktop CRM Application (Insight)

developer and technical lead

  • C++
  • MSVC
  • MFC
  • ATL
  • .NET (C#)
  • ms-access db then MS-SQL Server

Custom Desktop CRM Application (Quest)

developer and technical lead

  • VB6
  • ms-access db then MS-SQL Server

Sample Signature Control

developer and technical lead

Sample Tamperproof Verication System

  • C++
  • windows service
  • verified use didn’t change system time and sent result to backend via Afaria

Reliable Sample Record Delivery System


  • iPaq -> (VisualBasic 6) laptop -> remoteware/afaria -> windows file server -> (winbatch) Sample Accountability Management System (HP-UX)

Vector Website

  • UI design
  • client-side javascript (roll overs for menus :))

Field Sales Laptop Refresh Inventory Tracking

  • Java Servlet, JSP
  • FedEx Bar Code device integration
  • MS-SQL Server

Field Sales Laptop Refresh QA

  • unpacked laptops from boxes
  • entered laptop details into tracking system
  • upgraded windows
  • QA’d
  • packed into boxes